Lords of Scam, available to watch and rewatch on Netflix!


Available to watch on Netflix since November 3 2021, Lords of Scam has been a great success with audiences and critics alike! Lords of Scam tells the story of a group of scammers from Belleville who exploited the system to pocket millions, before turning on one another!



This documentary tells the story of a group of scammers who conned the EU carbon quota system and pocketed millions before turning on one another.

For 1 hour and 45 minutes, we learn about a gang of small-time Parisian crooks who went on to commit a huge carbon quota VAT con. While Lords of Scam is a documentary, you’d be forgiven for thinking it was a film given how astonishing the story is!
How did a simple group of friends from Belleville manage to pull off the heist of the century without breaking and entering? Follow the incredible exploits of Marco Mouly, Gregory Zaoui, Arnaud Mimran and their team of unconventional crooks.

Tackling the issue of VAT fraud on carbon-emission quotas, Guillaume Nicloux and Olivier Bouchara highlight the system’s flaws while underscoring the craziness of what Marco Mouly and his gang were planning.



While the documentary might seem to be all about money (the group stole around 283 million Euro), the damage caused was unfortunately much greater than it appeared!

Check out Lords of Scam—a story as incredible as it is tragic—as soon as you can!

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