Pax Massilia
Year of production 2023 Poliziesco . 312 min
To keep the peace in Marseille's northern districts, the Cramés, a drug squad with an impressive track record, do not hesitate to strike deals with those in the criminal underworld. When members of the SAIDI family, notorious drug traffickers, are brutally murdered, their commander Lyès BENAMAR fears that Marseille will turn into a bloodbath. Not only because of the expected retaliation, but also because of the crack cocaine traffic that has begun to spread inexplicably through the city.
At the same time, Alice VIDAL, a police officer from Paris, arrives in Marseille with a secret agenda: convinced that Franck MURILLO, a particularly violent murderer who recently escaped from prison, is still alive, she hunts him down for personal reasons.
The Cramés' investigation soon merges with Alice's quest, and she joins their group. Her methods and those of Lyès clash, but their goal is the same: to stop Murillo at all costs.