La vouivre
La vouivre

La vouivre

Release date 1989 Fantasy . 102 min

In 1913, Arsène Musolier returns to his village in the Jura to the surprise of the population, who thought he had disappeared during the war. He finds the village all astir. A bare woman has been glimpsed walking through the bog. She is said to be La Vouivre, the mad maid of the marsh who has returned to lure men with her diamond. Fascinated by the tale, Arsène tries to fathom the mystery of this strange creature protected by serpents.

A film by  Georges WILSON
With Lambert WILSON, Jean CARMET, Suzanne FLON, Jacques DUFILHO, Macha MÉRIL, Kathy KRIEGEL, Jean-Jacques MOREAU, Paola LANZI, Laurence TREIL, Bruno ABRAHAM-KREMER, Michel ARROYO, Catherine ARTIGALA, Jean-Pierre DRAVEL, Pierre FOREST, Mireille FRANCHINO, Alain FRÉROT, Jean GRECAULT, Gilbert GUILLAUD, Marc LADOR Read more
scriptwriter  Georges WILSON
Dialogist  Georges WILSON

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La vouivre

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