Le roi
Le roi

Le roi

Release date 1949 Comedy . 95 min

King Jean IV of Cerdagne is on an official visit to France. A Member of Parliament called Bourdier unintentionally offers the King a memorable stay. Bourdier's wife and mistress receive the sovereign and give themselves 'body and soul' to his welcome. In tribute for such devotion to his country, Bourdier is appointed minister.

A film by  Marc-Gilbert SAUVAJON
With Maurice CHEVALIER, Annie DUCAUX, Sophie DESMARETS, Alfred ADAM, Marcel DELAITRE, François JOUX, Félix PAQUET, Jean WALL, Robert MURZEAU, Henri CHARRETT, Robert VATTIER Read more
Dialogist  Marc-Gilbert SAUVAJON

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Le roi
LE ROI - Photo
LE ROI - Photo
LE ROI - Photo
LE ROI - Photo