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Alexis gentleman chauffeur

Release date 1938 Comedy . 91 min

Alexis, a veteran pilot, once entered the Paris-Tokyo long-distance raid and lost. He is now a taxi driver. Movie actress Margot Fontane forgets her bag in his taxi giving Alexis an opportunity to get acquainted. During a shoot with the great actress, he is hired to play a bit-part as an aviator. For a plane take-off tryout, he flies all the way to Tokyo - a nonstop flight to happiness for the lovebirds.

A film by  Max DE VAUCORBEIL
With Suzy PRIM, André LUGUET, Raymond CORDY, Marcel SIMON, Michel DURAN, Jean MARCONI, Aimé SIMON-GIRARD, DOUMEL, Anthony GILDÈS, Charles LEMONTIER, Robert OZANNE, Georges LANNES, René BERGERON, Emile DALCY, Annie ROZANNE, Hélène RAY, Pierre LABRY, Georges BEVER, Jean GOBET, Léonce CORNE Read more
scriptwriter  André LUGUET
Dialogist  André LUGUET

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Alexis gentleman chauffeur

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