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Year of production 2009 Horror . 85 min

A young woman is forced to make the ultimate motherly sacrifice when the stillborn child she carried to term returns to life with a horrifying appetite.

A film by  Paul SOLET
With Jordan LADD, Stephen PARK, Gabrielle ROSE, Serge HOUDE, Samantha FERRIS
Fichier vidéo

GRACE Trailer Greenband_480.

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GRACE Trailer Redband_480.

Fichier vidéo

GRACE Trailer Greenband_720.

Fichier vidéo

GRACE Trailer Redband_720.

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GRACE Trailer Greenband_480.

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GRACE Trailer Redband_480.

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GRACE Trailer Greenband_720.

default image for GRACE Trailer Redband_720.

GRACE Trailer Redband_720.


GRACE - Still
GRACE - Still
GRACE - Still
GRACE - Still
GRACE - Still
GRACE - Still