Horace 62
Horace 62

Horace 62

Release date 1962 Drama . 94 min

The Fabiani's and Colonna's, two Corsican families, have been killing one another for ages. The 'Parisian Corsicans' decide to put an end to the vendetta by ordering a duel between the eldest sons of each family. Horace, Fabiani's second son and pacifist at heart, protests the arrangement. His sister Camille lives with a Colonna. Nevertheless, the duel takes place. The Fabiani brothers are close so together they fight the Colonna brothers. When the dawn rises at the close of a gory chase, Horace is alone with the only other survivor, Camille's husband Noël Colonna.

A film by  André VERSINI
With Charles AZNAVOUR, Raymond PELLEGRIN, Giovanna RALLI, Jean-Louis TRINTIGNANT, Etienne BIERRY, Danièle GODET, Nerio BERNARDI, François DARBON, KEMPETIAN, Louis LALANNE, Philippe MARCH, Paolo STOPPA Read more
scriptwriter  André VERSINI
Dialogist  René FALLET

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Horace 62

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