La belle de Cadix
La belle de Cadix

La belle de Cadix

Release date 1953 Musical . 105 min

During the preparation of a shoot in Spain, Maria Luisa, a gypsy in a nearby camp is hired to cue the leading actor, Carlos. During the shoot, a make-believe marriage is held but everyone thinks it's for real. After the scene, Carlos and Maria have a bitter spat that turns into mutual vows of undying love. Misunderstandings tear them asunder once again. But love vanquishes all and reunites the lovers.

A film by  Raymond BERNARD
With Luis MARIANO, Carmen SEVILLA, Thérèse DORNY, Claire MAURIER, Claude NICOT, J.A. PIERJAC, Jean TISSIER, BAUTISTA, Fernando SANCHO, Raphael ARCOS, Rosario ROYO, Christine BAILLI, Chantal RETZ Read more
Dialogist  Pierre LAROCHE

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La belle de Cadix

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